Harley Owners Group

Harley-Davidson established the Harley Owners Group in 1983 in response to a growing desire by Harley riders for an organised way to share their passion and show their pride.
By 1985, there were 49 local chapters around the United States, with a total membership of 60,000. Today over 1.2 million members make H.O.G. the largest factory-sponsored motorcycle organisation in the world. The Auckland Chapter was established in 1990 and has now been running for over thirty years.

To be a member of the Auckland Chapter, you must first be a member of HOG (worldwide).







Welcome to Auckland Chapter

The Auckland Chapter of H.O.G. was formed in 1990 and now has a membership of around 350. The Auckland Chapter holds regular monthly meeting nights and has a full riding calendar including day-long chapter rides, dinner rides, mystery rides and a regular Saturday cruise.

What does the future hold? No-one can say for sure, but from here the road ahead looks long, wide open, winding and scenic - with lots of new friends to make along the way..

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Upcoming Events This Month

Event Calendar
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02 CRIB (Chapter Riding Information Briefing) Session
02 Saturday Ride - Kaiaua
09 Saturday Ride - Puhoi Pub
10 Sunday Social - Make Your Own Ride
11 Committee Meeting

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Need a service, tyres, WOF, rego or anything else then get your bike booked in to avoid delays.

Give Cory or Peter a call in our service department on 09-300-7500 Extn 607 or Extn 640 or email service@amps.co.nz.


The Auckland Harley-Davidson Team.

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